NAB Women's Connection Blog

Introducing our 2019 Theme Study

Introducing our 2019 Theme Study

What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul that keeps you up at night? The prayer you keep repeating?  Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.

Introducing our 2019 Theme Study, Finding I Am

In Finding I Am you will join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the seven ‘I AM’ statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John.  Through this interactive, in-depth study you will be trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is like never before. Accompanying videos bring the words of Jesus alive as Lysa shares with us biblical truths in the setting of Israel.

We pray that you will…

  • discover how Jesus is the key to satisfaction by learning the crucial significance behind each of His ‘I AM’ statements.
  • trade feelings of emptiness for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is.
  • grow in biblical literacy with this exploration of the Gospel of John.
  • gain a better understanding of how Jesus’ words 2000 years ago are so very applicable to the answers you are searching for today.

A few things you will want to know…

  • The first video session is an introduction to the series.
  • Then each week in your personal study time you will study one, or sometimes two, ‘I Am’ statements.
  • There are four days of personal study each week with an optional fifth day which will take the study to the next level.
  • And then in the video following your week of study, Lysa unpacks the ‘I Am’ statement you studied that week.

Free Offer!

Women’s Connection is offering your NAB church ONE FREE COPY of Finding I Am by Lysa TerKeurst.  This copy can be requested by a woman in leadership in your church.  Please contact Heather Senges at

Include in your request your name, address, phone number, church name, and leadership position in your church.

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