NAB Women's Connection Blog

Prayer: A Renewed Passion

Prayer:  A Renewed Passion

Dan Hamil, executive director, recently reminded the North American Baptist family that we are a people of prayer. His encouraging video challenged us to recommit to a being a person of prayer. Dan shared that it is through prayer that God works in our lives to shape us, mold us and form us into the very image of Christ.

This challenge led to me evaluate my often-lackadaisical approach to prayer. I have forgotten that prayer is more about relationship with the Father than the words I say. It is really more about opening my heart to God in that secret meeting place where my relationship with Him can go deeper and where He can show me His plan for transformation in my life.

Three Resources for Renewing a Life of Prayer

20 Days of Prayer

I have been encouraged by the IF Equip’s 20 Days of Prayer to get back into a rhythm of prayer.  For 20 days an email appears in my inbox to guide me in praying with a purpose. A daily themed focus includes a scripture passage, a sample prayer, some prayer prompts and audio reading of the scripture. During the 20 days the focus is on praying for our own hearts, those who are closest to us, our local churches and the worldwide church. Go to to join the 20 day experience.

Walking with God

Our deepest need is to live in conversation with God. To hear his voice. To follow him intimately. This is the single most life changing habit that a human being can adopt, because it brings us back to the source of life. Yet most Christians have never been taught how to have a conversation with the Creator.

In the revised and updated edition of his classic Walking with God, John Eldredge opens his personal journals to tell a year’s worth of  stories about walking and talking with the Lord. By putting words to the things God has shown him through some amazing experiences, Eldredge helps readers shed light on the miraculous truths that God is showing them right now.  Some of John’s stories will help readers recall lessons they didn’t know had been forgotten, some will open up new horizons, but they will all help readers tell and interpret their own story:  the story of their intimate walk with God.

Whispers of Hope

Finally, Beth Moore’s study called Whispers of Hope addresses how to pray without ceasing and pray effectively by walking readers through an easy to remember and apply method of prayer, coupled with seventy daily devotionals, and followed by prompts to put this prayer method into practice. In turn, readers will better understand how devotional reading and prayer are central to a stronger relationship with God.

May God stir a desire in your heart to be more deeply connected to Him in prayer in these early days of 2019.

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